Blog 3 - The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life

 Hello class!

This is our third entry. This time, you will be writing about some technology, your academic life, your profession and life. Read the topic and requirements to do your best when writing. I will be waiting for your nice stories.

You need to include the following subtopics:

-You and technology

-Your favourite piece of technology

-What to do with technology

-Any other relevant comments


Features for the post:

Write 210 to 230 words, font: Arial, Calibri or Verdana, size 11 – 12. You need to include photographs, videos, etc. Similarly, you need to add three comments on classmates’ posts plus a comment on your teacher’s post. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You have 48 hours to upload. Delayed entries will be penalised. Good luck on your task :)



The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life 

cellphones in class  

As a 21st century language teacher, I have found myself using technology when teaching, by instance, when planning or learning a something new for my lessons. Personally speaking, I am not very fond on technological reliance. I have my reasons why. First, I love technological devices, but sense them extremely time consuming (probably that's why I dislike my mobile) I tend to think that technology should be humanised.  
 Heart Technologies Technology in the Classroom - Heart Technologies

Although technology seems to be immerse in every aspect of my profession, I am like find spaces to avoid it time to time. I remember a few years back, by instance, electricity power went off at the faculty where I was dictating a class. I did not have much troubles to catch up and continue with paper based activities. My students did not notice the lack of technological support. However, more and more people involved in education seems to rely too much on technology...

 Television in the classroom

On the other hand, TV's, PC's and CD's aren't what you could consider as much as technology since they are so attached to people's mind mould today. In many occasions, I see my profession under the same prism and sometimes I envision a classroom packed up with all sorts of devises, which I believe do not make a lesson the better learning experience for learners.

In the end, I believe that technology is here to stay. The thing is to be wise enough to manage it and not the other way round.


  1. it's sad but it's true, people are very obsessed with technology, and I think there's not much that can be done to reverse it anymore :C

  2. It's true! Technology can be really tiring, especially nowadays...

  3. I think many of us miss the old days where wasn't so much dependence on technology...

  4. I think you're right, the technology can be so good or so bad, it just depends on how it is used.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I also think that dependence on technology is very negative.

  7. technology is a very good tool in wise hands

  8. I agree, it is very important to manage well the time that we use technology, but en pandemic times it is getting more and more difficult.

  9. I also believe that for technology to be beneficial, a good balance is necessary.- Paloma G

  10. I think just like you! technology came to stay, but we have to keep it under our control

  11. I love technology but I know it has their bad points

  12. as you say, technology is here to stay... but I'm getting more and more tired of the screens.

  13. what you say is true, I don't think technology is bad, I just think we have to learn not to depend of this.

  14. I love technology, but it has many flaws sometimes. ):


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