BLOG 5 - Academic Challenges 2021

Hello class, this is our fifth entry. This time we will write about academic challenges and experiences. Read the topic and requirements and do your best! I will be waiting for your good entries!

You need to include the following subtopics:

  1. What challenges have you faced
  2. Home learning
  3. Obstacles learning from home
  4. What did you enjoyed the most
  5. What you disliked the most
  6. Include anything relevant

Features for the post:

Write 230 to 250 words, font: Arial, Calibri or Verdana, size 11 – 12. You need to include photographs, videos, etc. Similarly, you need to add three comments on classmates’ posts plus a comment on your teacher’s post. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You have 48 hours to upload. Delayed entries will be penalised. Good luck on your task :)


Current academic challenges


 Challenges 2021

The present academic year has been a challenge for us all. New things to be learnt, many non academic affairs, the pandemic situation and so on. However, I believe that every new academic term is an open door to learn. A chance to expand your horizon. Enrolling in a course signify that you will come across new contents which has been designed to take us a step further. Acquiring these new knowledge is not passive act, we need to be alert and prepared to received them with a receptive mind setting and put our focus onto our personal and professional lives. 

Challenges 2021

As for the present year, I have had many expectations. I have wanted my students to learn many new things, reinforce others that a bit rusty and retake some others forgotten somewhere along the way. In consequence, I believe that the present term will be an excellent chance to improve our English  knowledge and to get to know very interesting people. Perhaps meeting someone engaging (a book biography) learning something new (academic) enlarging my view on something (knowledge) growing stronger (confidence)  to be a better person/teacher (listening) and many more subsequently... 

Human relations are an important role in our lives. We dwell in communities, as such, we are facing several challenges every day. The present semester is also a tremendous opportunity to grow, to learn from each other, to accept and respect other point of view, by instance. I have to face several new people day by day, and learning from then is what I like the most.



  1. Great post! and I agree with you, human relations are so important! we have to appreciate the opportunity of meet new people and learning from then :D

  2. Can not agree more with your post and thoughts !

  3. I agree with you, it is very important that we learn from the people who pass through our lives.

  4. I also think we should see the glass half-full rather than half-empty!

  5. You are right! in my case i never thought i would miss human relations so much after this period.

  6. I think similar, the relation with the partners and teachers are so important for the commitment.

  7. I admire very much that you can get good things of bad situations.-Paloma Garrido

  8. It is good to find teachers who care about their students and like to learn from others :)


  9. sharing with others was seen as something so insignificant before this pandemic, and it is super important in personal development.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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