BLOG 1 - A country/place I would love visiting.

Hello dear class and welcome to our blogging activity!

This is our first entry. This time you will be writing about a country or a place you would love visiting. I am especially interested in seeing what will be writing about.

You need to include the following subtopics:

-Reasons for visiting.

-Where would you like to go once there.

-What would you like to do once there.

-How did you learn about this country/place.

-Any other relevant comments.


Features for the post:

Write 200 to 220 words, font: Arial, Calibri or Verdana, size 11 – 12. You need to include photographs, videos, etc. Similarly, you need to add three comments on classmates’ posts plus a comment on your teacher’s post. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You have 48 hours to upload. Delayed entries will be penalised. Good luck on your task :)



Tbilisi the capital of Georgia - A dreamed city.

(The country, not the state in the US) 

Small Georgia Flag | 3 x 2 ft Georgian Flag | The Flag Shop 

When I first learnt about this country, I thought I was hearing about one the states which are part of the USA. Later I learnt that Georgia is one of the most ancient countries in the world! I immediately was curious to know why a Christian-like flag lives among many Muslim neighbours. I went on to investigate about its roots in history and I was struck by the richness of its culture, literature and the countless middle ages remains, spread all across the country. Similarly, their religious legacy is marked in every church they have, the paintings, the iconography,  and the architecture of the building and basilicas created a real impact on me.

 Monasterio de Jvari - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

If I have the chance to go, I would like to visit some of the many monasteries, such as Jvari up in the mountain and near to Mtskheta. Also, the state museum Joseph Stalin is a must to visit once there, this will show me the days under the occupation of the Communist regime and last but not least, the Dadiani Palace History and Architecture museum; which is considered one of the most important in the Caucasus.

 Tbilisi, la exótica capital de Georgia | El Viajero | EL PAÍS
Lastly, as a language teacher, I fell in love with its language and writing system. I dream travelling to Tbilisi (or any other city) and hear the people talking in their native Georgian. Also, I would love seeing the streets signs, the newspapers even how they look or how the language sounds like on television! Since their letters are so different to ours, I’d love experiencing every day Georgian. I am convinced that I would get involved in a course to learn this language and their characters some day.

 Georgian Orthodox church | Christianity | Britannica

 Georgian Press and Print Media














  1. Very interesting! now I want to learn more about Georgia! It really looks like an extraordinary place. It’s going to be on my "places to visit" list, for sure :D

  2. I had NO IDEA that there was a country called Georgia :O well... you learn something new every day.

  3. Interesting information! I did not know this country and it is very nice.

  4. It is a beautiful place, it has a very interesting architecture. I hope you can visit it!
    -Paloma G

  5. I didn't know about the existence of this country

  6. Wou, I didn't know about this place. Is very interesting and about I can see in the pictures is the architecture, the lights, the elements are relevant for the city.
    Thanks for a new place

  7. I only knew Georgia by name, is interesting know a little more about the country.

  8. I didn't know about this place, I hope you can visit it soon, i can see that is very beautiful in the photos

  9. Beautiful place and culture! What an interesting country

  10. It's my first time hearing about this place, the landscapes look beautiful!

  11. I have seen that flag before, but i don't even knew it was from that country.

  12. i have seen that church before but i had no idea where it was from, its so intersting

  13. I had never heard of the country of Georgia, how interesting to know about it.
    When you go tell us more about it

  14. That's really amazing, i already started searching for it


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