Blog 2 - The Best Concert/Holiday Ever...

Hello class again!

On our second entry you will be writing about some past memories. Please read the topic and requirements to do your entry. I will be waiting for your nice stories.

You need to include the following subtopics:

-Where did you go

-Who did you go with

-What did you do there

-Any other relevant comments.


Features for the post:

Write 200 to 220 words, font: Arial, Calibri or Verdana, size 11 – 12. You need to include photographs, videos, etc. Similarly, you need to add three comments on classmates’ posts plus a comment on your teacher’s post. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You have 48 hours to upload. Delayed entries will be penalised. Good luck on your task :)


Resultado de imagen para tres morros tome

I can still remember the pine essence in the air, the tree shadows playing with the morning sun. When we first arrived to Tres Morros it was the nicest place I have stayed in. I was part of scout patrol of nearly 12 to 14 boys, where Gastón and Marcelo were our Patrol Leaders plus a couple of grown-ups, who were part of the 'supportive team'. 

Tres Morros is located by the coast near Coliumo, which is a tiny community close to Tomé in the 8th region, in the southern part of Chile. We spent two weeks there. I remember going fishing in the morning, hunting some days in the afternoon. Playing hide-and-seek at dusk, collecting sea shells and constructing a trail towards the camping site. We also helped the owner digging and installing a new extension for the water pipes and rebuilding the latrines for their camping complex.

Resultado de imagen para tres morros tome

There were days we cooked bread right into the wood ashes. The locals call this ‘tortillas de rescaldo’. I oversaw the water supply for our camping spot and it was my daily task to carry it into the kitchen for the daily cooking. We had two 50 litres tanks which I had to refill at least twice a day! We went sailing and rowing a couple of days and went to the local fish market to get some seafood for lunch. In the night, we used to tell scary tales and present some funny plays. I remember having a big fire in the middle of the camping site. Some nights Gastón had his guitar and sang us some camping songs and a few ‘tonadas’.

El viejo y maravilloso arte de Acampar: Mi Patrulla Scout

I cannot forget my time with the boys in Tres Morros. Unfortunately, on those days, having a camera wasn’t that easy, so I haven’t got many photographs that would help to recall some of the faces that have started to fade away as years pass by.


  1. Tres Morros looks so cool! love it! but it´s so sad that you have only a few pics of those days. It would really help to bring memories back :(

  2. I have not traveled to Tres Morros, but I went to Tomé when I was little, beautiful place too!!

  3. Camping and not telling scary stories is not camping :^) jaja... i can imagine how much fun you had there!

  4. It's a shame you don't have lots of photos from those times, but I can definitely tell it was a healing trip!

  5. I was also a scout and it is a wonderful experience!
    The place is very nice

  6. I was in the past a Scout, but how say they one time scout, forever scout. Is amazing your experience. And the big fire in the night is great. But I really envy the experience in Tres Morros

  7. It looks like a interesting place and very beautiful

  8. In my first year I had to do an investigation of a project in Coliumo, and I considered it a beautiful place.

    Its history was very funny.

    -Paloma Garrido

  9. my parents were scouts and i grew up with that thought and i love it. my parents tell me how fun and nice the activities were and i read your story and i feel excited, i wish i could have been there.

  10. those are great memories! its a funny history in a beautiful place

  11. camping in the south is the best, and i'm also a fan of tortilla de rescoldo is so delicious.

  12. I love the octava region, I had such a good vacation in there

  13. I am not a scout but I have gone camping and it is a beautiful experience.

  14. Wonderful memories! I would like to visit Tres Morros! <3


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