BLOG 6 - Postgraduates Studies

Hello class, this time we will be writing about future academic challenges. Read the requirements and my entry. As usual, I will expect just the best from you all!

You need to include the following subtopics:

  1. What challenges a postgraduate programme
  2. When to do it and why?
  3. Obstacles doing it
  4. Where to do it
  5. How would you support yourself
  6. Include anything relevant


Features for the post:

Write 230 to 250 words, font: Arial, Calibri or Verdana, size 11 – 12. You need to include photographs, videos, etc. Similarly, you need to add three comments on classmates’ posts plus a comment on your teacher’s post. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You have 48 hours to upload. Delayed entries will be penalised. Good luck on your task :)




Postgraduates Studies


Postgraduate studies are an opportunity to study more in depth and enhance your career. First, there are some important issues to be considered when choosing the appropriate programme.  By instance, why doing further studies?, where should I start from? and what do I expect to achieve?

Before embarking on a postgraduate course, it is important to consider your motives and decide on this. There are many reasons for people to do further studies; including an interest in the subject, gaining a career advantage, or just as a necessary to entry or moving forward in a particular occupation.

Will you enjoy it? Secondly, investigate all your options to find the most suitable option for you. Look the prospectus offered, try to visit the institution and talk to some of the tutors, analyse if all the subject would matter, try to learn about the teaching styles and researching methods. Also, contemplate programmes correlated on doctoral studies in case you would go on a further research an apply for a PhD.


Postgraduates Studies

Money is sometimes an issue for postgraduate’s students. Can you afford such adventure? Further studies can be very expensive but funding may be available in the form of government loans, scholarships, bursaries, research council grants or employer sponsorship. Additionally, many universities offer alumni discounts. Eligibility criteria, including details concerning age and previous study, apply to all postgraduate loans. If you are planning on studying a postgraduate course immediately after completing your undergraduate degree you should contact the award body (office) that funded your first program of study.

Will it improve your career prospects? Further studies could enhanced technical and transferable skills and a commitment to your subject, for some careers it may even be a requisite. However, don't assume that a higher qualification will automatically help you get into your chosen programme; some graduate employers look more favourably on experience than additional qualifications. Postgraduate qualifications may increase long-term earnings, but they do not usually merit higher starting salaries. It is wise to reflect on the following: is it necessary to get into a postgraduate for your chosen (future) occupation?

Another interesting query you need to reflect on is when should I study? Straight after your degree? Maybe. You need a course that requires up-to-date knowledge and skills. There is a clear advantage to signing up immediately after your undergraduate degree. This might ensure you don’t get out of the habit of studying. An immediate postgraduate study could help you in your career by giving you a unique selling point in your job applications, refocusing your skills or providing you with a professional qualification. On a personal note, it will probably involve less turmoil at this stage if you just carry on with your studies rather than uprooting yourself mid-career.



Post Graduate Studies


  1. Without this post I would not have thought about this topic! It is important to think about it before making decisions.

  2. Money definitely stops a lot of people from studying postgraduate courses:(

  3. Can not agree more with your post and thoughts !

  4. It's a complicated issue, there are many questions and i think money is the main obstacle

  5. I hadn't thought about doing a postgraduate degree before, but I think it's important to think about that to know how you're going to pay for this one as well

  6. I think it is a very complicated discussion, because there are many questions and we must consider many things before making a big decision. -Paloma Garrido

  7. Postgraduate are so expensive in Chile, but are a great oportunity to lear more!

  8. postgraduate studies are an opportunity to get a better job, however, they cost a lot of money, so it is a difficult decision to make. :C

  9. a postgraduate degree is a very good option, however, I have already decided, I don't think I will follow that path.

  10. Really the points in this blog are to relevant for the future and for the possibilities of continuing study. Sadly because is really expensive study in the university and after for the postgraduate I can`t imagine how expensive is.

  11. A postgraduate course costs a lot of money, but I see it as an opportunity to learn even more (to make more money in the future, hahaha).


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